
Born in the almost middle of vienna, or at least somewhere in austria, this formerly world-famous coding artist somewhere lost the coding and just remained an artist. Because of his wonderful cream-cheesy smelling feet and his shimmering lips (so soft that they melt when coming in contact with ice-cream or benelux-chocolat) he is still allowed to sleep in our office every second night.

Moreover WebMeister is active member and president of the Kelly Family, master and inventor of the Chilli-Speckerl and owner of the biggest four-letter word collection ever.

Last but least and most of all, WebMeister has a heart of gold, shaped like a Polaroid picture, slaving for this project night and day and therefore you have to look at his boring face when clicking on the "about us" section of this website.

(Artist Obituary by doc)

»wm's polaroids