security and termination

: Security : is very serious about maintaining the security of your personal information and in preventing unauthorized access to it through the use of appropriate technology and internal procedures. However, can not guarantee unauthorized access will never happen.

: Cookies : uses two different cookies:
(A) The Session Cookie (cookie name:SID)
This cookie is necessary to 'remember' you during your visit and to prevent you having to re-enter your password on every page. It is stored when you register or log in and it is deleted when you log out or close your browser. The lifetime of this cookie is 1 session.

Autologin Cookie (cookie name: uid)
This cookie automatically logs you into - so you
don't have to re-enter username and password each time you want to use your

Both cookies will be deleted if you click the 'logout' button in the topnavigation of the site. please be sure to always log out if you were visiting the site on a shared computer like in a internet cafe.

: Termination : may terminate membership and any information at any time, without notice, if there is proof for action that violates this agreement.