
*09 -> Now that you are the proud owner of an amazing online gallery, stuffed with your best POLAROIDS and you are moreover the proud owner of an outstanding online selfportrait within your PROFILE, we only have one big wish left:

Let us entertain you!

Every month POLANOID.NET presents a new project with some very special tasks for you and your camera. For example: "Me, myself and I"

All you have to do now is to send us the most breathtaking pictures that match the actual topic. You have exactly one month time to upload your perfect shots, tag them with the actual project and to keep your fingers crossed, that the POLANOID jury will choose your image as the grande winner by the end of the project.

Winners of POLANOID projects will not only become world famous but will also receive a very special prize. So you better start your polaroid workout now, putting you in perfect picture shape for your future victories at POLANOID.NET