M. I

Raw material for a film concept I started working on this summer//


Please note that the speed is wrong. When we filmed it we did not set to the proper speed, it shoud be far slower.

The reviews about the camera's lens and the additional macro lens(es) complain about sharpness, difficulty to focus, always missing the desired focal point by a bunch of centimeters.

Let me tell you that I am happy to announce that some of the shots are the most crisp, sharpest, clearest focuses I personally have ever seen on super8 film.
The conditions were hell; artificial yellowish light, between 25 and 40WAT, and one light lamp, so yes, almost pitch dark. I feared the film of 40ASA might not have received any light at all.
Focusing in this light? No chance. But: perfectionist and ambitious as I am I wouldn't give up and the results rewarded me, my eyes, my nerves, my aching muscles, my headache and Ms kind help and support. The pictures are mind-blowing. What I had intended to be in focus, it is in sharp focus, what I had intended to be out of focus, yes, its out of focus. Depth of field is thin but nice.

It seemed to be almost impossible to get the water droplets or hair or fingers in sharp clear focus.
Its a matter of frustrating patience and intense eye-concentration.

I am so proud. Flame me for that. I don't care. These pictures don't do it justice. You can't see sharp unsharp here but oh well..

I love the camera, I love the lens, I love super 8.

Anyhow it is wonderful to have a place to show them. Thanks to wm and doc!

The setup:

I re-arranged the lights almost every shot.

It is hell and bliss to be a perfectionist.

Shotdate | -location:
2006 July | Wien (AT)

Camera | Filmtype:
Quarz 1x8S-2 | Kodachrome 40

Related tags:
raw material, uncut

Thanks to a gorgeous friend for her help and support and patience!


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