2007-03-14 // 11:59:21
Very beautiful too... I like how you open with the girlīs close-up.
Many thanks, that's my girl, always hogging the limelight!

2007-03-01 // 21:11:10
Those old Russian movies you made are just beautiful. My favorite is still the mexico shot. It's so timeless.

Blade Runner, king of the future. I never really been a fan of Rutger Hauer but he did some fine stuff. But it is still stunning that he could come up with a line like that, or, well, it might not have been him. It was probably Phillip K. Dick or Ridley Scott but anyway.

Let us mix the past and the future!

Hi, many thanks, yes the old Russian film is great, i just found about another 10 cartridges and so hope to use them in the coming months;) The Mexico film was one of those occasions when everything happened at the right time.
Blade Runner - a rare film when I did NOT prefer the directors cut and Rutger Hauer did pen the words himself, the script just had him dying on the roof and he sugested those now famous lines to R.Scott who though "yes" lets use them, history was born and he has never been in a better film, Hitcher was a close second.