2012-08-23 // 06:19:16
So neat to come back and see these again... yep. URIZEN!!!
Those were the days, Mr. Sixblueten! I MUST definitely start to make this things again...

2009-01-25 // 20:16:49
All of these are so brilliant, what a find.
Thank you!

2008-12-06 // 22:58:15

A symbolic vote and fav for this work, for the whole project.

Thank you, symbolically speaking.

2008-12-04 // 16:15:15
Ah those pesky fish-breathed critters. Excellent work by both of you. I love it.
One should get fish-breathed only after eating chopitos. Any other reason shows you're a hick.

2008-12-03 // 16:47:46
Again, a HUGE gracias to Mr. Uri-Zen for inviting me to be part of this project. It's a great idea, well executed by a film-of-all-types maestro.
Thank +you+, my friend

2008-12-03 // 16:39:21
and sad.

Thanks, it's true

2008-12-03 // 16:18:26
Ah the man and his voice. Wonderful piece again & project.

Did you send this tape to Tod or is the film something out of his own collection?

Gracias, Carmita! Everything comes from the 10€ plastic bag reels. (100% valencian quality)

2008-12-03 // 15:25:47
great work Uri.
you too Tod.

Thank you, Sir!

2008-12-03 // 14:54:57
still an amazing idea and project. Too bad there was no subtitle this time, so it's a bit difficult to understand the meaning of the words.
But that's great.
i've got to go searching for my own super8 family stuff, now....

Yes, maybe i should subtitle everything. Thanks for the support, Mr. Zveliakine!