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LATELIERp 2013-03-19 // 13:01:32

dear everyone.

i'm planning on sell some boxes of 4x5 balck&white films.

if anyone of you are interesed, please drop me a mail or a message here on polanoid.
i would rather passe it on to one of you than sell it on Ebay...

57 (3000ISO) Jan 06
57 (3000ISO) May 05
52 (400ISO) Dec 05

noidmeister 2013-02-26 // 12:43:46

ps. does anyone have any advice. ANYTHING
on a way to revive packfilm? You know, when its soooo fucking old that it sticks on itself.

i thought to take it apart in the dark, dry it out maybe, right now a few packs are just sitting on the water heater.. im baffled because the ebayer sold the same film, and a buyer was like, a + , way to go, great stuff. fucking WEIRD.

anywaze.. let me know if any of u have a secret to tell me about this whole problem.

LATELIERp 2012-12-30 // 21:45:52



noidmeister 2012-12-11 // 11:16:08

guys i got a pack of pigeonhole (crazy triangle frame) film and two packs of expired 600 uv + , magazine edition (nothing special just the outside box is nifty) and two image softtone films i want to get rid of. if no one wants them ill be putting them up on ebay in a few days.

stay warm

LATELIERp 2012-10-18 // 22:10:40

nice try: »link

zveliakine 2012-10-04 // 09:45:21

about Frankenroid :
seems to be a generous guy

orezemit 2012-10-04 // 00:55:23

have to agree with vadim & zvevi about this nutty dr.
the coup de grāce is here »link read the third paragraph. nice that he's offering "free" shipping. ;)

vadim - i've dealt with this guy »link before and can tell you he's honest, will stand behind his cameras and offers a variety of models at somewhat reasonable prices. the alpha 1's are usually his most expensive but they're almost like new after he refurbishes them.

Valley-Forge 2012-09-05 // 22:37:50

So the patient still has a pulse - just (:
If anyone is interested:-
I would imagine IP would want £1,500,000 for this collection :)))))

LATELIERp 2012-08-22 // 23:01:30

hej hej,
if any one is interested:

close up kit...

Mikehoban 2012-08-03 // 12:39:28

Still looking for swaps.....T690 for T664.
Choco, Blue and Sepia - 1 pack of T100 for 1 original Pola off here.

For T664 film swaps decent numbers are preferred, single packs are not needed.


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