2019-09-23 // 11:36:39
haven't been playing twin-pics for a while, but here is one (for those still knowing what it is)
»link & »link
2012-09-24 // 10:05:58
From time to time, it's a good thing to look back in the attic, and get some impressions of what has been almost forgotten. here's a small visit into the Polanoid archives and curiosity.
• Have a look at the firts pola ever uploaded here by Doc, July 2005. It has been waiting since november 2005 to get its first comment
Strangely enough, if you're using the >I command to get there, you encounter a pic uploaded in 2010...
• Here's the most voted pola (92 votes !), though it never made it as SOTD since 2007. There should be a special medal of honor for this one.
• and that is the most seen pola (and was already in 2007, as my comment there proves it) : 117097 views in 5 years or so. It means it is seen 64 times a day at least.
• some years ago, some members used to play a game called "twin polas". You can find some really similar images, uploaded by different members, by clicking on the search function (right up crner of the newsfeed) then enter "twin" and select "show links".
Here is a nice sample :
• and now the very first member who left polanoid and never came back : meet mr Polandroid, member since 08/2005 and gone since 09/2005.
Not sure photography did suffer a great loss. But hey, Mr Polandroid, come back !
• there was absolutly no polaroid shot on 9/11... except this one ?.....
• but some polaroids were shot at the turn of the millenium : just type 1/1/2000 and 12/31/1999 in the shot date menu
Here it is. Hope you enjoyed this little trip back. If you find some other curiosities, please let us know, here, in the newsfeed. So many pics here, and so many hidden wonders.
2012-03-14 // 12:18:43
Hi Folks,
See here:-
If any UK members want this bundle of cameras and film, I will offer to you for £75.00 plus £5 p&p, only FOUR sets available at this offer price, so be quick.
2011-08-31 // 12:39:52
twin pics:
»link & »link
»link & »link
2010-10-28 // 21:16:34
DATE CHANGE! The Secret Wine Shop (»link) congratulates the San Francisco Giants, and has decided to reschedule their event, “Paris Pinhole Color Photography reception, with Natural Wine & Food” to Tuesday, Nov 2, from 7-9 pm (»link).
The Secret Wine Shop has invited French Polaroid pinhole photographer and natural wine enthusiast, Bertrand David, to show his work at The Secret Wine Shop in San Francisco. The reception will be held on Nov 2 from 7-9pm. You are cordially invited to come and discuss his approach to his work, including his expertise in pinhole color photography. You will also have the opportunity to taste a sampling of natural wine served with food pairings. Limited editions of his work will be on exhibit exclusively at The Secret Wine Shop.
About Bertrand David (excerpt from a critique on "Nils & Phil" which will be on exhibit):
…It is clear that David made use of the title of this widely known painting [Gabrielle d’Estrées and one of her sisters] by updating it to its exact opposite: in the foreground on the balcony, instead of two beautiful nude women, we are presented with Nils and Phil who look directly into the lens, proudly showing a more contemporary masculine aesthetic, absolutely non-idealized.
In the photo, we can also read a provocation of the Catholic church by observing the image of the knight fighting in the name of faith and the cross hung over the chimney, in contradiction to the two nude men where one is pinching the nipple of the other.
Personally, I do not believe that the photographer wanted to create yet another scandal concerning the position of the Catholic Church and sexuality. I rather believe that he wanted to recall precisely the parody and the irony in the scene direction of broad artistic, historical and social themes, in order to illicit an honest acknowledgement, raw and without rhetoric about the world and how it is changing…
(FYI: The Secret Wine Shop is currently offering a $10 off “coupon” for online ticket purchases for the reception.)
2010-10-16 // 18:49:26
An evening with Paris Pinhole Photographer Bertrand David, Natural Wine & Food
- or -
"On nous cache tout, on nous dit rien (ou les jalousies d’un moucharabieh)"
Eat, drink and talk with French art photographer and natural wine enthusiast, Bertrand David, »link who is flying in from Paris to share his photography with you. Discuss his approach to his work, including his expertise in pinhole color photography. Obtain limited editions of his work on exhibit exclusively at The Secret Wine Shop.
Seven natural wines, selected personally by Alice Feiring for the event along with food pairings will be available during the evening. (Also, copies of Feiring's book "The Battle for Wine and Love: or How I Saved the World from Parkerization" will be available for purchase.)
RSVP required $25
Note: the wines served will be the same as those for the Alice Feiring event. For more info on that event, please go to »link
(excerpt from a critique on "Nils & Phil" which will be on exhibit)
It is clear that David made use of the title of this widely known painting by updating it to its exact opposite: in the foreground on the balcony, instead of two beautiful nude women, we are presented with Nils and Phil who look directly into the lens, proudly showing a more contemporary masculine aesthetic, absolutely non-idealized. In the photo, we can read a provocation of the Catholic church by observing the image of the knight fighting in the name of faith and the cross hung over the chimney, in contradiction to the two nude men where one is pinching the nipple of the other. Personally, I do not believe that the photographer wanted to create yet another scandal concerning the position of the Catholic Church and sexuality. I rather believe that he wanted to recall precisely the parody and the irony in the scene direction of broad artistic, historical and social themes, in order to illicit an honest acknowledgement, raw and without rhetoric about the world and how it is changing.
2010-06-15 // 14:08:25
twin pics:
2010-04-15 // 17:37:32
a second star twinkling on the firmament..
2010-02-16 // 22:49:37
an angst-barometer!
btw, twin-pics:
»link & »link
2010-01-20 // 10:30:47
Kay: The link hasn't been working for me either.
Esmarelda: Don't you dare retire the wig!
Anyone else: If you have a moment, you might like to vote on this competition entry which my evil twin just put up. I'm not sure if the votes actually mean anything, as it's supposedly going to be judged by a jury anyhow, but I don't suppose it could hurt for me to look as if I was the kind of person people revered (rather than the deluded wig-obsessed bint with an obsolete camera that you all know me for).