10 out of fotoflux' 19 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of fotoflux' pola-forites)
faint (Monique72)

…the sea…
faint (Monique72)

love it.
Buffalo, Haydan Valley Yellowstone (dmk)

truely masterpiece!
Berlin... (schneeamolita)

…lecker currywurst!
screenshot (andyarbeit)

I love the morbid charme of your picture! Good job!
myselfoid (lhirondelle)

et là, tu nous as vu ?! (TataK)

Right on!!
Phantom Birth (esmarelda)

I'd call it 'Giant Foot'. Great shot!
Light plus (julianh)

Valley Storm (buzsawyer53)

u got it! wow!