10 out of Oatcakes' 11 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of Oatcakes' pola-forites)
Self-portrait with Sausages (Esther.Z.Schnickenacke)

Does this really need a reason to be on my favelinks? Just look at it!
Blue Star #2 (LiA)

excellent sotd
Constellations (clea)

poor hot summer! (nicollaroid)

compositionally excellent..have probably spelt that wrong despite playing a lot of scrabble.
Demure (DaveMc)

A beautiful transfer.
** (Linaki)

for some reason this is sensual without being explicit and it caught my eye. Either that or I'm just sexually frustrated.. :)
fiery glare (amaliachimera)

Love what happened to the film here...
magnolia (rommel)

gravitate toward the corner (FILIPPO)

excellent...I thought it was underwater to begin with..then I realised I was just a but drunk and being silly. I can't believe how much thought went into this...
I promise! (emilie79)

Great work.