10 out of spirodart's 25 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of spirodart's pola-forites)
purple 5 (lo-fi)

is the magic number
Fiesta (the_world_is_yours)

Love this old drummer boy. Love images with life in them
Stars (KimvanGroos)

Nowhere (silvana)

absolutley stunning. composition is great and I love the repetition of the trees. I just want to transport myself in your picture. : )
magnify (amaliachimera)

great colours and perfectly shot
Croc mitaine (Reyo)

fantastic mixed media polaroids. check them out
Through a glass, lightly (bluecharlotte)

dreammy texture, lovely
Portrait of robertoner (Reyo)

Cannons (granthamilton)

simple colours, simple shapes, repitition of pattern and beautifully composed -LOVE IT. A man after my own heart.
Bedroom (roidrage)