10 out of uslan's 14 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of uslan's pola-forites)
i'm a damn winner (ColorblindArtistWhoCantDraw)

Stretch (jillog)

a horror film for cats
Telly (PheebsYeahBaby)

"Cry on the telly,
we saw you cry on the telly......"
Saved Polaroid (nina)

balloons (prismes)

The worlds best christmas card
Crook, Theif, Polaroid swiper (HangUpInvalids)

It just cracked me up
The Ideal (LiA)

I find it hard to believe Lia:
(A) Has a council flat cooker/bin combo
(B) Would be wearing little more than a pair of pants when clearly there is a ghost about.
red tube (primenumber)

One of the reasons i love Grant's pictures is that we both appear to see similar tings in everyday life (from flea markets to renovations), yet at the same time always feel like something i've never seen before.

This picture is not an example of this
Signature (Antoine)

The future.....
* (tam-tam)