10 out of meira's 19 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of meira's pola-forites)
Nanage_1 (luis)

great texture
AS (Rio)

Laundry duty (gleora)

nice pic, i love the play of circular shapes with the perspective.
MULTIPLO N°26 (paul_a_royd)

visually interesting, as well as rest of series
untitled (gleora)

nice composition, it's focused just right
Untitled (polaspin)

beautiful coloring, almost like a painting
... (gabriela)

Fish & Chips (phOtOny-teXas)

great abstraction and texture
ice (electric-tales)

interesting shot, very abstract
the beautyful dead. (arnevandermeer)

lovely... great colors, the rose petals almost transform into skin