benrains (, )

daring, inspirational, and constantly producing quality.

birdclaws (Baltimore, US)

A constant force of new creativity with polaroids. pure admiration. :)

bluecitrusart (Los Angeles, US)

Her blues make me not so blue. :)

I look forward to her uploads.

louobedlam (Los Feliz, CA, US)

Amazing with his portraits and an intersting guy.


PhotoDr (29 palms, US)

love love? love him.

clarice (Tokyo, JP)

Such delicate self portraits with awesome cameras. you'll be watching her polaroids soon. I'm sure of it.

morganx99 (Madrid, ES)

He is the master of angles, composition and the color blue.

His stream of photos is a treat for the eyes & that's an understatement.

angrywash (Strasbourg, FR)

The french guy with fantastic colors and effects.

granthamilton (Iowa City, US)

Grant has perfected the angle, color, and composition in his beautiful polaroids. Everyone looks up to him. He's the master. He is proof that less is much more.

lets_explode (California, US)

These ladies love color and are so creative with their protraits. Once you start loving their photos, you'll be hooked!

revivify (Portland, OR, US)

Her polaroids get better and better with everday that she shoots...the 365th will be amazing! you just wait! I can't contain my excitement!

_magenta_ (Bologna, IT)

Matthew Kern (New York City, US)

I would very much like to be friends with him in real life. His pieces are awe inspiring and I would love to own one eventually.

Gotnc (Paris, FR)

danhogan (Chicago, US)

he's pretty neat so far