LATELIERp (Stockholm, SE) great gallery and super nice guy. I love how experimental he gets. unafraid to break the borders. |
PaparazziAlex (London, GB) i love this guy's work. it's imbued with such youthful spirit. You look at them and remember an idealistic past or a memory you wish you had. |
WebMeister (Wien, AT) One of the polanoid pioneers, his work is contiunally inspiring. He gives support and love to everybody. |
lars.blumen (Berlin, DE) Totally crazy. I admire his "in your face" creativity. |
defekto (Baltimore, US) truly one of the best at the medium. his work reminds me of Maripol's work from the 1980's heyday. |
Antoine (Marseille, FR) an AMAZING artist, who inspires me with his beautiful and deeply personal work. His fashion photos are spectacular, and he provides visitors with a wealth of knowledge. |
demoforest (Albuquerque, US) everybody tell this photographer to post more! such creative use of framing and composition. the shots are full of playfulness and lively color. |
satanic57 (London, GB) super awesome dude, fresh full of ideas and brimming with talent, and a natural eye for beauty. his work captivates me. |
_micaela (San Jose, US) beautiful girl, and super friendly. her work is imbued with child-like inquisitive energy, as if everything amazes her. |
LiA (Wien, AT) this girl is amazing in every sense of the word. her gallery is so emotionally charged, and full of subtle beauty and grace. lovely person. |
birdclaws (Baltimore, US) AMAZING young pola-artist. inspiring, unique, experimental work. |
mattjudas (Levanto, IT) very creative and experimental guy. he's got some amazing dreamlike land/seascapes, which make you want to escape and enter into that ethereal world. |