lulumae (Paris, FR) a.k.a. juju. she makes the funniest comments and the coolest photos. she likes mix cds and cocktails, muffin burgers and jean-hedern halier, paul loup sullitzer and lorant deusch |
Jon. (Brighton, GB) interested in the very core of photography, in capturing the life in its very beauty and ugliness, he has infinite technical skills yet to use. |
captaindan (Brighton, GB) A beard, some glasses, a nice tee shirt, that is our fellow captain dan, cruising through life like an underdog. He makes great polaroids and also likes being shot. |
k_tenmiller (Pittsburgh, US) Specialised in self portaits she also rocks at capturing the light and colors of the extraordinary everyday life. |
joel (Bierges, BE) |
Kat.White (Sydney, AU) |
orezemit (Roswell, US) Probably the most prolific here, and, most of all, one of the best. |
so gifted! |
Valley-Forge (London, GB) Guardian of analogic purity, he is one the most well known people here. and he likes rugby. |
edulterado (Barcelona, ES) he has a lot of great ideas |
Urizen (Berlin, DE) inside, he is a tiger |
MarthaMyDear (Paris, various arr., FR) she likes the beatles and Beirut. she is ok with being self centered! |
presse_bouton (Paris, FR) |
morris77 (Bude, GB) |
schneeamolita (Zuerich, CH) |
booombooom (Hellemmes, FR) born around sx 70 birth date, he has become a galaxie 500 fan and makes great pictures |
CDR (Cornwall, GB) fantastic seaside pix, he's number 30 in the infinity project. It happens that we are #31 |
blessy (Montreal, CA) |
von_bauer (Paris, FR) |
FILIPPO (Viterbo, IT) |
coxinel (., ) |
flowkey (Berlin, DE) |
lucky (Nottingham, GB) |
krista (New York City, US) |
arturo (Sevilla, ES) may his dreams come true |
frugorfoto (Boston, US) |
myrussiantoy (***, ) |