2008-08-25 // 09:28:00

I'm in Paris on next week.
If someone wants to cross me in the street, just email me :-)

... we could talk about polaroid, unuseful interface quasi-finished and very fast/stable ( »link ) and other topics :-)


2008-08-12 // 16:16:51

at last ... the first photo of my messy (but working) prototype: »link

2008-08-08 // 21:06:41

as several knows, I'm interested in data visualization.

I found the new google service.
and I typed polanoid
it gives the trend of the "polanoid" word on google since 2004.

look: »link

cool :-)

France is the country where people looks for the most the word polanoid.


2008-08-07 // 09:32:25

for those who are interested in minimalist hardware interface called MONOME, we're building a MONOME clone as an opensource project:

last version on the code and some informations added on the page:

RGB support sooooooon!

2008-05-12 // 21:37:04


the beautifulest belly* in the world

(inside,a little creature that will be released around november)

2008-05-06 // 21:21:38

he's as beautiful as his father :)


2008-04-20 // 20:40:01

do you like my clock?

2008-04-13 // 10:54:50

hi, sorry, it isn't polaroid... but:
I sell my hasselblad500CM + 2 backs etc

info via email: julien.bayle@gmail.com
photos here:




2008-04-08 // 18:43:12

it isn't polaroid... sorry!

But, if you're interested by visualization of data, you can watch it : »link
it is my last project.

2008-03-18 // 19:15:16

polanoid.net on Le Monde newspaper :)