2008-12-01 // 16:24:52

i just finished my first ever POLAROID BOOK!
it's called "Light Chasers" and it's a collection
of polaroids from my travels over the past
year. Check it out here:


And message me if you'd like a copy.
Only 30 left!

2008-07-10 // 21:37:40

i am honored to have sotd :)
you all are amazing!
thank you.

2008-07-08 // 06:00:14

big thanks for the SOTD!!!
i am about to leave for a trip out into the middle of nowhere & of course am bring my trusty sx 70 and some TZ film.
i will post up the chronicled results ASAP.

:) thanks again everyone

2008-06-30 // 17:58:56

if anyone out there is in or near orlando i am having an art show at the urban outfitters in milenia on JULY 5TH!!!!
my polaroid enlargements will up and for sale for the month of july.
come out if you want to hang.

2008-06-23 // 04:57:15

i promise to upload at least 3 polaroids a day.
wish me luck.