2017-09-17 // 09:13:11

@zvevi I see your point.
We felt real pioneers at the time, and the community was small.
Polanoid is completely abandoned, but I still use my roids, own my cameras as I love their design, and probably buy cartridges from PO, granted the quality is better than the one from TIP.

2016-03-01 // 08:30:15

On 29th February, anything can happen!
Webbo's back?
^ indeed he is
and our beloved docsie too!


2015-09-30 // 20:57:55

@zveliakine, Thanks for reminding us about that first picture!

Keep up the good work, you all polanoiders

2014-04-20 // 09:55:39

@zvevi excellent finding!

I prefer an idea like that, than a printer for digital photos.

And the results look great

2014-02-02 // 15:36:07

I always love the duo polkadots

Even if they broke up, I'm happy they didn't deleted the account!

2014-02-01 // 17:36:20

@zvevi, I think it's a great idea. Wanna see more!

2012-10-21 // 14:17:01

@zvevi , thanks for sharing!

ALL => do you know ehere INFINITY stopped? I've nevere received it! :(

2012-04-03 // 20:05:47

that sucks!

I thought there was a kind of control, like right-click prohibited!

Anyone of the site can provide further info?

2011-11-29 // 20:53:15

I second Mr Zvevi!
This is still out of control, IMHO

2011-10-14 // 18:25:43

I agree with V-F!
This site is not evolving, it's still too much Web1.0.... but I'll miss the good old times!
