2011-06-25 // 23:38:37 I confirm the first "POLAROID:EASY ART?" exhibition in France.
Nice (Cote d'Azur/France and really close to St. Tropez, Cannes and Montecarlo): 15th of september to 7th of october 2011 at MUSEAAV museum (museuom for contemporary and visual art) . MUSEAAV »link Best regards Mirko "Polaroid:easy art?" Exhibition art director and organizer »link --- Video and 2010 location : »link MUSEAAV Nice: located in the heart of the cultural life of Nice, near the MAMAC (museum of modern and contemporary art), in the and the art galleries district. it’s a urban 1000 square meter “loft” on 2 levels, whose leitmotif is the human relationships. Classified Museum in 2005, houses a permanent art collection. Museaav is organized in according to the philosophy of its founder,like a “walk” inside the museum. MUSEAAV Permanent art collection: Christo, Marcel Duchamp, Panamarenko, Joseph Beuys, Andy Warhol, Amedee Cortier, Cindy Sherman, Pierre Alechinsky , Knowbiotic research, Triglav Bettina, Thomas Ruff, Bernard Brohl, Luc Anseeuw, Picasso, Andres Serrano, Thomas Ruff, Bernard Clerico, Jean Yves Launnay, Hoogenboog, Marcel Marien, Marcel Broothaers, Raveel Roger, Roger Wittevrongel, Coralie Miroux, Sabine Moles , Florizoone Lieselot, Rik Vanmeerbeeck, Kikeiko, Tassou, Philippe Ben and Filip. »link |