2015-03-04 // 17:07:35 HUGE thanks to everybody for todays SotD !!! (also for the one i missed last friday...what a shame)
...it means a lot to me :) |
2014-10-18 // 12:42:55 Thank you everybody for SotD :):):)
2014-07-24 // 20:34:50 Thanks for all your votes and favs and all the nice comments !!!
...made my day :):) |
2014-07-14 // 20:31:50 ˇMuchas gracias! to everybody for this SotD...it's my post - birthday present :)
2014-07-08 // 18:48:03 ...ManicMonday ?!?
2014-06-30 // 15:23:01 SOTD days are good days :):):)
Thanks a lot folks !!! |
2014-05-25 // 14:16:22 Many thanks ! Merci beaucoup ! Grazie mille ! ˇ Muchas gracias ! Danke sehr !
2014-05-15 // 08:48:59 Thanks a lot for todays SOTD...you're amazing :):):)
2013-04-04 // 02:08:36 Thank you guys for last weeks SOTD !!!
Just came home from a little easter vacation in vienna....always nice when schlexi welcomes you to the site :) .....now I am curious to see all the beauties I missed the last days :) |
2012-12-30 // 16:05:14 a BIG "thank you" to every noider from the owner of the portentous finger.