2008-01-24 // 05:59:31

HI friends. Looking for an SX-70 camera? Please take mine off my hands. Message me for details. Thanks!

2006-10-14 // 03:24:53

i just posted some new pictures. finally. they're on expired film, hence the discoloration. BUT they're all documenting fall fun in new england.

<3 you all.

2006-08-19 // 17:48:18

hello all!
i've been meaning to post all my wondeful pictures from my recent trip to the western united states, but i've just moved into my new apartment and sadly have no scanner. i'm trying to finangle a way to take pictures of the polaroids or something along those lines. anyways, i figured i'd write to tell those who care that i have not disappeared. :D

hope this finds you all happy, healthy & on the ready for the next photo oppertunity! <3

2006-07-24 // 00:33:07

I'm new here and a bit intimidated. Everyone's stuff is great. I'm jealous yet inspired...hope all's well wherever everyone is!
