2018-08-31 // 00:07:12

Having just resumed my passion for the SX-70 format I was delighted to discover the Polanoid web site.
Way back when.................... I was shooting SX-70 and 4x5 Polaroids almost exclusively. I then married the love of my life and we began a journey down a whole different path than what I had been stumbling along.

Late last year I discovered the Impossible Project. Doing so re-ignited my interest in analog instant photography. I've been dabbling now for most of this year and re-discovering the thrill and awe I used to capture with my trusty SX-70 camera. I also wanted to find a venue where I could post some recent and some of my older/1st gen Polaroid images. Then I found the Polanoid.net community. I'm so happy. I have been visting some other Polaroid communities, too. Mostly Flickr pages. Looks like I might be about 8 to 10 years late to the newest rage: Re-built SX-70 cameras and new SX-70 compatible films.But, none the less I'm here now. Hope you like or are interested in the images I'm posting now and in the future.