2007-01-25 // 22:33:47

Thanks WM! A very sensible system sensibly explained.
^ yup, I'm a fökking sensible guy after all..
: )



2007-01-25 // 22:21:54

Quick question from a newcomer (one enjoying access to a wealth of inspirational work here)...

When it comes to voting on images, can multiple images be voted on or, for example, when I vote on another image I come across does that remove my vote from the last image I voted on?
^ you can vote as often as you want.
in fact, I even *encourage* you to vote for as many pictures as you can - at least for the ones you think would deserve to be on the coverpage one day.

votes "sum up" over time, they don't get invalid once the winner is chosen each night. this is intended to increase the winning chances also for the pictures of "less popular members" who are not on so many friendslist and therefore get less views than the ones of the "everybody's darlings".
so, please give your vote to every picture you stumble across and like enuff for wanting to see it on the cover one day.

thanx for asking