2006-08-31 // 22:24:28

a yellow balloon is all you need!!!!!


2006-05-01 // 08:16:16

i´m happy and proud to tell you that my first exhibition started on saturday in vienna. for everyone who´s interested find out more at »link

if you have time and want to take a look at the galerie, please let me know.

"greetings from" the day after.

2006-04-09 // 08:30:31

one curtain raised. POLANOIR is here. men, you did another great job. congratulations. great idea.

the return of the polampire has just begun.

2006-04-07 // 12:53:23

ok, the opening should be over. has anybody seen any pictures from yesterday? has anybody seen polanoir? where are doc + wm?

2006-04-06 // 19:50:50

no POLANOIR! i think they are joking.

2006-04-06 // 19:25:04

welcome back, stOOpidgErL!!!!!! we missed your work.

2006-04-06 // 17:41:44

where is POLANOIR?
has anybody seen POLANOIR?
i thought launch is today?
was it only a bad joke from doc und wm?
is there realy a shop in vienna?
are doc and wm real?

2006-04-04 // 23:31:25

preparing my first exhibition, starting on april 29. more infos (only in german) you can find at


if you are in vienna on april 29. and you have time, the exhibition starts at 5 pm. you are welcome ;-)

2006-04-02 // 21:31:43

after trying a lot of polaroid cameras and films i most prefer packfilm cameras like the propack or holga+polaback. now i´m lookin´ for a polaroid 195 (or 180). is anybody out there in the polanoid universe who can help me?

2006-03-05 // 18:14:09

so, today i viewed all the polas on this site und updated my favlist. there are so many exceptionel polas here. hard to say, whats the best. here comes my most favorite shot of all: »link