2007-12-21 // 20:08:06

Christmas is so nearly here and im so excited! I'm really disappointed with my lame additions to this project. I promised Liam I wuld enter, but I had nothing.
I got a few early christmas presents from Lally and Lizzie. Lally got me a really great Lomo disposible camera. Its a blue flash lomolita. It's lovely. I cant wait to develope the images from it! Lizzie made me a beautiul letter/story and box in which contained some gloves which shed stitched my name and some hearts into! :) And they gave some other yummy things too. Im done for presents now. except those for Hana Rose and my Pa. hmm... Any suggestions?
Im really ill today. Everything aches and Ive taken lots and lots of tablets to clear my throat and headaches and back pains and cold and i look dreadul with my greasy hair and patchy face. Winter hates me.

I need to write these more often. I was slack lately.

Love holly.

2007-12-01 // 21:16:50

I am a silly billy. Liam wasn't annoyed with me that time. but with things. Eventually I decided that I would go. and I did. and it was apsolutely wonderful. :) I should have a few photo's up soon.
It was Liam and Joshs joint 18th birthday! 70's style!! Lots of yummy yummy jelly oranges! I ate way too many. and I danced too much and drank to much. I blame everyone who bought me drinks. this morning I had a dreadful hangover! I had no sleep last night and at 7 this morning mama came and picked me up and we drove back to Newquay for qork at 12. and I slept the whole way and I was sick. i then returned home and was a little sick. At work everyone kept saying I looked so ill and should go home. Which really upset me because I nearly called up work this morning saying I was sick and then I'd have x3 more days with Liam. Tonight is Open the Skies gig in woking. I really wanted to go. I haven't seen them play in time and i wanted to buy a jumper et t-shirt. and I'm going to get a tee for Ruby for Christmas.
Oh oh oh oh ohh. I am sick. My voice has returned. I wish it hadn't. I would rather not have to work on the tills at work.
Today I cant stop listening to Joshua Radin. especially fear you wont fall. I put that song on Liams birthday cd. I made him 18 presents for his 18th and on each one I put a little drawing of 18 things I like and i like Liam more than all of them times 18. I had such a perfect time on that da :) I just wish I was a better cook. We always seem to end up eating sick.
ohhhhh I feel miserable miserable. I need some lovin and art work.
Love Blue

2007-11-22 // 11:14:07

today I am in such a dreadful and sour mood. I have had to decide on not going to see Liam and he's not talking to me. I don't think.

The weather is lovely today. It is warm and cool winter sunny and raining. there are two rainbows and everything is glistening. I hate it when the weather doesn't reflect my mood, I'm such a romantic. I've put up some new pictures. They are scanned from my Autumn book.

I really hope that Lizzie comes into college today. I need to get that camera back and I neeeeed her dress for my work party tomorrow night.
In pottery last night I made a box with Holly on it for my mama. I don't think it will be fired before christmas though :( big time shame.

I need to relax and write some poetry.


2007-11-14 // 19:48:30

I'm in college late and alone. It's because it is Wednesday and I have an evening class in pottery. I hope my mug i ready to take home tonight. I need some joy.
MY feet are wet because of the rain and I'm disaapointed in my bank balance. I hope I stop feeling hungry.
I miss Liam so much today. I wish that he lived nearer. I wish I could go home and walk round the corner and he could make me tea. I wish we could bake some brownies or carrot cake and then play cards and then eat it and sit up all night drawing and talking. I wish I could see liam every day. Or every week even.

I also wish I could get all of my coursework done and stop arguing with my parents. I feel so teenage.


2007-11-13 // 22:39:16

Today I have had a nice day. I bought a gold bird and some christmas tea in lovely tin. The festive season is nearing and it's exciting me.
I am also looking forward to Friday when I am going to London with Lally and Lizzie and seeing Liam. And Gallery's.
I will make some nice soup and sandwiches. :)

Tonight I have tried to upload a video. and it has fustrated me because it wont save and let me unlock it. I am not quite sure how to do it.
It is quite silly and fun.

I will go now and do some photography coursework.
Goodnight all. xxox

2007-11-12 // 20:23:46

I am very pleased to have found this site. I'm having trouble uploading my poleroids and they look tres blurry! so I'm sorry, but more will be up soon.

I have seen lots of lovely work and I feel inspired!