2006-07-17 // 23:32:04

got 3 stitches in the head :-(
that was a bloody weekend...

2006-06-14 // 17:39:02

yeah we're all "junikinder" ;-) mine was last sunday...i hit the "dirty thirty"...

2006-06-14 // 13:17:21

more world cup for/from all of us ;-)


2006-06-13 // 17:12:59

i give you the world cup footpolaroid ;-)


2006-06-08 // 15:51:08

Yippie Yipiie Yeah Yipiie Yeah krawall und Remmidemmi :-)))

2006-06-01 // 18:03:08

since there is no sun outside i had to add some warmth to one of my polas...;-)


2006-05-30 // 16:19:55

you are not alone Gulli, i am sick of the weather here in austria as well...rain...cold...clouds...:-(((((

all the best to the webmeister...get well soon!!!!!

2006-05-17 // 17:48:34

"Basically i'm complicated.
I have a hard time taking the easy way.
I wouldn't call it schizophrenia.
But I'll be at least 2 people today"

...this new gnarls barkley album (st. elsewhere) really really rocks :-)!!!!!!

2006-05-01 // 17:14:39

just uploaded the polas from my trip to morroco, left freezing vienna 3 weeks ago and now got back to finally see spring has arrived!!!! ok lets forget about the last 2 days....life is good...life is good :-)))

2006-04-04 // 12:40:40

oops got confused with the fav book thing, didnt scroll down all the way...i am a lazy bastard ;-) yeeeahhh i am goin to morocco...havnt been surfin in months so i am "freuing myself like a hutschpferd" :-))))