

..befriended by 4 noidies
ginkaust   1/ 1

Member: ginkaust
Age: ±37

Likes: snow, us, riga, warszawa, nerd-outs, talking about the numbers, little obsessions, polaroidic memories, sharing thoughts, sharing impressions

About Me:
i'm a little creature born to give pleasure of polaroid collaboration between g. and inkaust.

geraldino is my pola papa, joannina is my pola mum and they always tell me what to do.

and dear stefano was my godfather...
but he's still there.

it will continue.
profile pic taken by stefan. on a yard near to the latvian museum of photography, short before a very special private opening.

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ginkaust ()Member since (2008-03-03) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (3,502/5,884) News Posts (0) Uploads (8)