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Member: dier
Located: Bassano del grappaIT
Age: 52
Birthday: Jul 18.

Likes: graphic design, manga&anime, architecture, arts and anything in between, '80's heavy metal, hard rock and following, 3d graphic design

About Me:
I'm complicated, sophisticated, not linear and involved, so my photographs are. The plrds you can find in my page are probably nothing but the most far away point from an instant instinctual photographs. An important part of them are experiments about the "instant" meanings so maybe you will find some conceptual and some not conventional: for a long time I liked the short circuits effect that comes out by taking photographs of photographs so one of the tecniques I used is the darkroom manipulations. (in the very first time and for almost 2 years I thought I invented it!). For a short time I've been a graphic designer: nowadays I'm an architect. Married, European, Italian. Live and work in Bassano del Grappa: 1 hour away from Venice, Padova, Vicenza, Trento and Verona. Find it on Google Earth at this coordinate lat=45.77, lon=11.74
Hope you enjoy my gallery and remember to take a look to my friends!
Thanks to Webmeister, Doc & Andi for this great space!

Nice URL's:
my website

15 (Entries)
dier (Bassano del grappa, IT)Member since (2006-02-17) Awards (3) Visitors/PixViews (6,718/58,273) News Posts (15) Uploads (136)