

..befriended by 2 noidies
Do_oM   2/ 3

Member: Do_oM
Located: MelbourneAU
Age: 38
Birthday: Sep 10.

About Me:
Well, although I don't remember it, apparently I was born. The years that followed saw me accomplish a combination of eating, sleeping and growing resulting in the individual

I must admit, I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to polaroids and I haven't used any other stock aside from the 600.

Also, almost everything I've taken so far has either been people or places as a subject (as I usually use these as a sort of staple in my memory of what I've come across) but the bug has bit me and HARD and I'm willing to stop being so cheap and perhaps take some more shots that I would with my SLR.

So I'm hoping to keep practicing and try out new stocks and cameras!!

Hope u enjoy peruzin these pics as much as I did taking them

1 (Entries)
Do_oM (Melbourne, AU)Member since (2008-08-21) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,645/11,333) News Posts (1) Uploads (73)