Member: nasyx6 ♀
Located: Belgrad, YU
Age: 35
Birthday: Jan 05.
ice cream, rollercoasters, ladies, french fries, the rebel sound, jelly beans, playing dress up
About Me:
we are a team of elite magical crime fighters by day, and girl supergroup by night. we transcend space and time but have trouble transcending our taste for creams and the constant sausages in our path. only half of that last sentence was a sexual reference, but we are very good at making more. we have eaten the poison apple and kissed the prince, but live a very different fairy tale. we won't stop until somebody calls the cops and even then we'll start again and just pretend that nothing ever happened.
marija will likely ask me to change this later.
Nice URL's:
lil marrrrija
lil norrrrra