

..befriended by 2 noidies
PJ_Ray   1/ 1

Member: PJ_Ray
Located: Ciudad de MexicoMX
Age: 54
Birthday: Apr 16.

Likes: music, movies, tabasco sauce, but -above all- making pics, of people interacting with each other...

About Me:
Got my first Polaroid cam before being born (most of my childhood photo memories were made on peel-apart prints). Got Three instant cams: SX-70, Job Pro 600, and Nightcam 600.
Used to do some heavy Lomoing until my LC-A just disintegrated in my hands. Now I'm the happy owner of a Minox 35.
Addicted to slides, indie films and Zen philosophy.
Polaroid has brought the joy of instant gratification back to my life. Now I'm trying to find, in a nostalgic effort, to rediscover myself in the polas I make, before the medium disappears. It's bound to happen, but I ain't gonna wait sitting down!

Nice URL's:
The Lomo capital of the world
Beautiful Holga pics
Toy Camera

41 (Entries)
PJ_Ray (Ciudad de Mexico, MX)Member since (2006-05-04) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,046/5,539) News Posts (41) Uploads (12)