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Member: rui_de_freitas
Located: LisboaPT
Age: 42
Birthday: Sep 07.

Likes: books, cinema

About Me:
Rui de Freitas was first photographed by a polaroid dressed as girl when he was kid. Such experience didn't cause profound traumas, however only in late 2009 he got is first polaroid camera after a week in Berlin. Since then he has became a full fledged junkie for it and can't stop shooting. Already he has unleashed his depraved appetite in 3 major european capitals: Berlin, Lisbon and London.
When he's not satisfying his addiction, by day, he is a stage (theatre) photographer.

Nice URL's:
fotografia suja
official website and portfolio

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rui_de_freitas (Lisboa, PT)Member since (2009-11-11) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,110/22,887) News Posts (0) Uploads (107)