

..befriended by 2 noidies
pray_to_St_Land   1/ 8

Member: pray_to_St_Land
Located: Los Angeles, CAUS
Age: 39
Birthday: Oct 30.

Likes: art, beer, crayons, cyanotypes, art history, money, paint, messes, non-digital instant photography, crop circles

About Me:
um, I used to be a student. then that was done. in an official sense.

that was all about art history, and a few other things. sometimes art, sometimes architecture. mostly art history though. best. major. ever.

almost as much as anything i love most of the Baroque (the ahistorical, nonlinear kind), and post structuralist sculpture (this should just say R. Serra). as well as a lot of other things. such as bacon sandwiches and Mexican CocaCola. sometimes with marshmallow fluff (the bacon sammiches, not the coke). generally without, it's almost masochistic to eat them with the fluff. and peanut butter. almost.

now i have a day job. and i make pictures of things. from time to time. there is probably some film that is perfect for the artificial overcast light in my cubicle. i'll have to find it.

well that got elaborate. i just came into a rather large cache of expired 690. wish me luck.

until then, for now.

there's plenty more.

srsly. : /

4 (Entries)
pray_to_St_Land (Los Angeles, CA, US)Member since (2010-05-19) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,873/21,299) News Posts (4) Uploads (149)