

kenweimar   0/ 0

Member: kenweimar
Located: San FranciscoUS
Age: 57
Birthday: Oct 02.

About Me:
When everyone started to go digital, I went in the opposite direction. Digital is cool and Photoshop is a great tool, but there are some looks you can only get with film. Thanks to eBay, I became a Polaroid fiend, with image and emulsion transfers, SX70, and PolaPan.

Polaroid broke my heart when they discontinued Polapan Can't blame them, but GOD what an amazing film. Instant B&W slides. Combine that with 669 for a transfer and you got something unique.

Tried to master the SX70 manipulations but never got it right. I found that I liked the images intact because the film captured this almost glowing quality of light.

Now they kill Time Zero. They say I can use 600 film but I don't know.

So maybe this means one less camera to carry. Maybe I just have rely on my Holga for the "quirky and arty less than in focus images"

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kenweimar (San Francisco, US)Member since (2006-07-24) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (1,623/16,527) News Posts (0) Uploads (98)