

..befriended by 3 noidies
Pamela.Testa   3/ 3

Member: Pamela.Testa
Located: .IT
Age: 44
Birthday: Oct 31.

About Me:
I've started taking polaroids when in 2007 I read an article on an italian newspaper where it was told that in 2009 the company would have ceased the production of instant film. I felt very sad about that news because I remembered the happiness in taking instant pictures with my family when I was younger, so I decided to buy a new polaroid camera and the last instant films in order to feel again that magic power of seeing an image developing by itself. I've signed all the petitions for saving instant pictures production and the birth of The Impossible Project has been a very good news. In 2010 I've joined the italian instant network named Polaroiders and thanks to Alan Marcheselli and Carmen Palermo my pictures have been exhibited in different cities like Bologna, Sarezzo, Fanano, Varese and Berlin, and also have been published in various collective books.
Thanks to all of you for contributing to keep instant photography alive and kicking!

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Pamela.Testa (., IT)Member since (2016-03-13) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (2,091/6,744) News Posts (0) Uploads (24)