

..befriended by 3 noidies
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Member: hurgrace
Located: Kansas CityUS
Age: 61
Birthday: Aug 13.

Likes: swimming, gardening, yoga, maken pictures!

About Me:
To teach is to learn.....
I own way to many books, DVD's and Cd's. I've ridden the water ways from Kansas City to Tampa Bay in our 32 foot boat with my husband and teenagers. Once I flew over the ocean for two week with nothing but what fit in a day pack. I learned how truly important it is to live every day when, I became a widow after 21 years together. Skys are bluer, grass is greener, fresh bread tastes sweeter, and my grandaughter's laugh is that much more powerful because, I have the gift of breath. I am aware life goes on................ with or with out me. I don't want to miss a moment of it!

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hurgrace (Kansas City, US)Member since (2007-01-16) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,275/10,510) News Posts (1) Uploads (58)