

..befriended by 3 noidies
Lucylovestodance   1/ 2

Member: Lucylovestodance
Located: LondonGB
Age: 43
Birthday: Nov 24.

Likes: food, postrock noises and the occasional drink, headphones & holga..., books.

About Me:
God i look like a moon faced emo twat in that profile pic...oh dear.


I love photography... i've only recently discovered my polaroid camera after many years of using SLRs. After using digital for music photography and work i've decided to go back to my roots experimenting with various film cameras...I'm loving it, however, its becoming a slight addiction. Just call me Tony Adams...

Other than photography its all about music, literature and art. Oh and peppermint tea...and dancing, i like that or love it according to my name.

1 (Entries)
Lucylovestodance (London, GB)Member since (2007-02-14) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,069/7,116) News Posts (1) Uploads (29)