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Member: genturion
Located: ErlangenDE
Age: 42
Birthday: May 13.

Likes: polaroid, super 8, vinyl, macintosh, italian food and wine, stereophonic recording, vintage motorcycles, classical, flamenco and electric guitar, os and retrocomputing, analogue photography and cinematography

About Me:
born in Milan, 1982. a couple of years after he had taken a photographic course at the "circolo filologico milanese", he rediscovered photography by finding an old polaroid camera which has satisfied the infant dream of instant results. actually he is interested in polamosaics, polaportraits, dark room, Super 8 and other analogue stuff.

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8 (Entries)
genturion (Erlangen, DE)Member since (2007-05-09) Awards (6) Visitors/PixViews (5,463/46,861) News Posts (8) Uploads (170)