

..befriended by 20 noidies   1/ 1

Located: South PoleAQ
Age: 17
Birthday: Aug 02.

About Me:

Questions and Answers

Q: What is the bastard club?
A: Members can write bastard comments to each other.

Q: What is a bastard comment?
A: A rude comment.

Q: How can I become a member?
A: Leave a message in my guestbook and add me in your friends list

The Rules of Bastard Club

We only insult people that are members of the Bastard Club.

The members of the club must be in my friends list

The members of the club must add me in their friends list

Once you are member of the Bastard Club, there's no way back.

We only insult each other on Mondays from 00:00 CET to 23:59 CET.

If you don't like the rules above get out of here!

1 (Entries) (South Pole, AQ)Member since (2007-08-02) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (5,160/1,578) News Posts (1) Uploads (1)