

blixt   1/ 2

Member: blixt
Located: WausauUS
Age: 41
Birthday: Apr 16.

Likes: alice in wonderland, house of leaves, archaeology, chaos, acoustic guitars, b&w movies, bangs, bill murray, black phoenix alchemy lab, clarinet

About Me:
There used to be a very little girl who liked to strip naked and run outside into the snow, not knowing any better. She liked to go for long walks in the woods all by herself. She made scrambled eggs on the kitchen floor when she wanted to be helpful. Her favorite food was a bowl of peanut butter mixed with grape jelly. Sometimes, she'd take all of her mothers dishes outside and throw them down onto the concrete as hard as she could, just to hear the sound they made when they broke. She once ruptured her sisters ear drum with a toy xylophone stick. She liked to watch movies on repeat, particularly "Annie", "Beetlejuice", "Carebears", and "Alice in Wonderland".

Today, all those things still make her smile. Except for the peanut butter and jelly thing. That was fucking gross.

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blixt (Wausau, US)Member since (2007-10-01) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (902/2,395) News Posts (6) Uploads (14)