

..befriended by 3 noidies
acco   2/ 2

Member: acco
Located: NagoyaJP
Age: 44
Birthday: Dec 18.

Likes: sleeping in the evening, smell of the new magazine, chocolate

About Me:
i was given my first poraloid when i was 8 or 9 years old by my anti. and it was shocking experience for me, picture came out straight away. unfortunately, this first camera was broken after a while and took me very long to get another one since then. i have got this my second one at age 24, from this shop in somewhere in england selling a lot of treasures by cheap price. and paid only £1. that changed my life again.

1 (Entries)
acco (Nagoya, JP)Member since (2005-12-30) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,450/6,215) News Posts (1) Uploads (12)