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youtripmeup   1/ 1

Member: youtripmeup
Located: Santa barbaraUS
Age: 36
Birthday: Aug 26.
Email: melissa.briggs@my.brooks...

Likes: photography, beer, coffee, medium format cameras, family, photobooths, my sx-70, movie dates, the bay area, crushes

About Me:
I like to laugh and smile but sometimes life gets the best of me. I am a young photographer attending brooks institute of photography who lives and breathes everything through photography. I seek adventure that i know will come to me shortly. I'm a huge sucker for someone with my taste in music and films or really just someone that makes me smile without realizing.

1 (Entries)
youtripmeup (Santa barbara, US)Member since (2007-11-26) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,998/1,777) News Posts (1) Uploads (7)