

..befriended by 17 noidies
gleora   1/ 2

Member: gleora
Located: ChicagoUS
Age: 55
Birthday: May 05.

Likes: as lyle lovett says. "i love everybody..

About Me:
I love my Polaroid camera's and hope for the best for the future of instant film
As you can see I am spending a lot of time in Salt Lake City.
I am from Chicago and like to travel.
Most of what you see here is me just hanging out with the people that I shoot. Most are friends but some are not. Or at least were not at the time of the photo.
It all started with an image of a Polaroid that was not shot from a Hassleblad or other medium format camera. I wanted to shoot full size Polaroids. Then I found out about converting old 110's and the rest is history.
This has been going on for about ten years now.
I hope to keep contributing to this great site and seeing all the great images here.
thanks to all who say nice things about the images.

Nice URL's:

21 (Entries)
gleora (Chicago, US)Member since (2008-02-14) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (4,421/60,902) News Posts (21) Uploads (187)