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Member: Antonioni
Located: AshevilleUS
Age: 72
Birthday: Jun 08.

Likes: drawing, photography, painting, watching films, studying film, visiting people whom i enjoy being with, meeting interesting people, listening to what other have to say, learning about the work of differnt arti, reading good lierature

About Me:
For so many years I've enjoyed creative pursuits such as drawing and painting, and I've been photographing on and off for about 20 years now. In art school I majored in photography, and got to work with large format professional Polaroid film and was so impressed with the range and capability of film like Type 55 P/N. Only recently have I developed an affinity for the unique cameras and film formats that have been produced over the decades by Polaroid, It is so strange that about six months after actually getting excited about the word that Polaroid has offered us all, the unbelievable news came down that after 2008 it will at least slow down , instead of an abrupt halt, thanks to Fujifilm we can still enjoy the use of our favorite cameras while use color and black and white film in a couple of film formates. I have learned in this short life that everything does sooner or later come to an end, and those material objects and people that we have come to objectify , we must sooner or later learn to let go of them, if we are to have any peace and understanding. But for now and some time to come I intend to enjoy the boon to creativity that these Polaroid machines provide us with. Let there be art and joy and creativity! Let there be a machine that is but an extension of our mind and hands. Let there be light!

1 (Entries)
Antonioni (Asheville, US)Member since (2008-02-20) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,871/20,415) News Posts (1) Uploads (72)