

breatheharmonium   1/ 1

Member: breatheharmonium
Located: New JerseyUS
Age: 34
Birthday: Nov 17.

Likes: polaroids, art, tea, old cameras, vests, lolita, pointy shoes, soymilk, lattes, fedora

About Me:
I wonder why yawns are contagious and why everything in life has a covering...bananas, potatoes, animals and their fur, homosapians and their skin. Maybe because everything in this world is so vulnerable to corruption.

Contrary to belief, I'm actually a quirky girl who lives life freely. I plan to attend School of Visual Arts in the fall, majoring in Illustration. I also plan to live in the city as I attend college. Big Apple, here I come!

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breatheharmonium (New Jersey, US)Member since (2008-07-24) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,166/2,628) News Posts (0) Uploads (20)