Member: carlitos.y.patricia
Located: Barcelona, ES
Age: 17
Birthday: May 02.
ideas, golden pigs, pigs, oink, networking, creative commons
About Me:
We like to call ourselves a company of ideas, but since we are an ever-changing company, it doesn’t really matter what label you give us – ad agency, creative boutique or anything else. Tomorrow it will be different.
Besides generating ideas, Carlitos y Patricia make those ideas happen by collaborating with talent from anywhere in the world. And by and creating multidisciplinary teams according to the needs of the client and the project. Which media? We will decide the media later.
Carlitos y Patricia likes to create close relationships, to sit down and talk with clients, to work on single projects, or, even better, to create and develop long term ideas. We've done all kind of things, from the creation of a brand and its communication to the participation in cultural events. We’ve even designed a doormat for IKEA.
Barcelona is our base camp, but our projects are everywhere in the galaxy. And instead of having "an office", we have a house called "La Casa de Carlitos y Patricia". You’re welcome to visit us anytime; there’s no need to bring a cake.
By the way, we also have a website, but like the company, you’ll find it's always under construction.
Nice URL's:
the golden pig project
un dia en la casa de carlitos y patricia blog