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Member: katsmith
Located: Kent EnglandGB
Age: 40
Birthday: Sep 20.

Likes: travelling, the beach, you, rain, wellies, collecting things, hats, my trusty havianas, polka dots, wikipedia

About Me:
I qualified as a doctor a while ago, so I suppose medicine is something of an interest - but alongside that, and playing a large part in giving me a life outside of the hospital and keeping me sane, are fashion, photography and travel.

I own countless digital cameras including a Canon 400D which I couldn't really afford to purchase as a student, but am very glad I did. However I started to get a little bored with digital photography - it was just too easy to make any image in to what you wanted it to be by pressing a few buttons - which is how I came to acquire two Holgas and a Polaroid just as they stopped making film! Don't judge me; I only said I was a doctor - I didn't say I was smart.

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katsmith (Kent England, GB)Member since (2009-03-31) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,225/584) News Posts (0) Uploads (4)