

..befriended by 2 noidies
bwpolaroid   1/ 1

Member: bwpolaroid
Located: MilanoIT
Age: 59
Birthday: Jan 01.
Email: exhibition@polaroid-easy-..

About Me:
Dear photographer,
we are organizing many Polaroid photo exhibition scheduled for 2011 and 2012

We are looking for photographers,artist and their Polaroid pics (reproduction with white frame of 600/SX-70 or similar films - NO poladroids,NO photoshop).

We don't need the original Polaroid,we need only the file reproducing the picture (we will print it using professional quality).
If you are interested in joining our project,please propose your creative work.
You can send some previews in low resolution (maximum 20/30 polaroid images),we will also search your posted images as well.

Please visit our web site with all the infos about location and submit

If you are interested,lease send us a reply message,then you will receive all the infos concerning the exhibition details.

Please let us know.
best regards
the exhibition staff

1 (Entries)
bwpolaroid (Milano, IT)Member since (2009-10-14) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,227/1,051) News Posts (1) Uploads (2)