

..befriended by 2 noidies
atomicdaisy   1/ 1

Member: atomicdaisy
Located: KelownaCA
Age: 46
Birthday: Jun 24.

Likes: polaroids, music, photography, cooking, machintosh, wine, vancouver

About Me:
Digital, slide film, Polaroids, toy cameras. If it takes a picture, I can work with it. Polaroids are my favorite, though. Still loving my stockpile of manipulable SX-70 film. I'm in school all the time now, so not much time to upload photos, but I love discovering other polaroid photographers, and thank-you for sharing in the fun!

Nice URL's:
my flickr page
my website
fine new music here
Great SX-70 FAQ site

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atomicdaisy (Kelowna, CA)Member since (2006-06-06) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (1,906/4,913) News Posts (0) Uploads (17)